
‘The Self-Esteem Game’ Board Game Review

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Improved self-esteem is a goal of most groups I run, and many of my individual sessions as well. When a found a children’s board game that focused on this, for less than $35, I jumped on it. Here is The Self-Esteem Game


Review and image of The Self-Esteem Game boardReview and image of The Self-Esteem Game spinner

Players roll the die which instructs them to go to one of the positive affirmation spaces (and repeat the affirmation), pull a problem card, or pull an esteem card. After pulling a problem card (examples below), players spin the spinner which tells them how they “solved” the problem (positively or negatively). Esteem cards are positive affirmations paired with a personal discussion question.


Review and image of The Self-Esteem Game Problem CardsReview and image of The Self-Esteem Game esteem cards


This game is not great. In my opinion, self-esteem is not an accurate focus. The esteem cards seem more geared towards making positive behavior choices. The problems in the problem cards are very vague/generic, and the “solutions” on the spinner are as well. The game is marketed for ages 8+ and while there are certainly some 8 year olds that are on this level, it seems like it would be more appropriate for 10-14 year olds.

Possible edits someone could make to improve the game:
-create new problem cards using the type of problems your students/clients face
-create a new spinner with more specific positive and negative coping skills
-either add an additional element for focusing on self-esteem, or use the game as more of a “get to know you” or termination game

4 Responses

  1. Hi Sara,
    I was wondering where you bought this. i have been tying to find and have been having a hard time.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Maddie – Unfortunately, it is no longer available for purchase. Someone else asked me about it and I did a lot of googling and couldn’t find it for sale anywhere.

  2. I purchase this game at Savers which a local thrift store in my area. When this game is used I do agree that when spinning the wheel is vague and the path that is played is the same way. However, keeping this in mind this game can be adapted which makes the game more beneficial when used.

  3. I have used this game for years with kids 6 and up, and have noticed that the repetition over time of “I feel good about me” in combination with the other pinkish-colored affirmations “does” have an important impact in conjunction with other therapeutic interventions according to the specific needs of the kid. I find the problem cards and the esteem cards, all add to the process of learning about self, sharing, reflecting, and, above all, improving the kid or teen’s self-concept!! Even parents join us sometimes, and everyone’s mood changes for the better!! Thank you Sara for the opportunity to share our experience with this game 😊

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